

The unexpected guest (ed. Sally Tallant y Paul Domela. UK: Art/Books, 2012) es un libro editado por la 7th Biennial de Liverpool que explora las nociones de hospitalidad. Una serie de artistas, poetas y pensadores fueron invitados a reflexionar sobre la hospitalidad o a invitar, a su vez, a otros artistas ocupar su espacio. Kenneth Goldsmith invitó a 29 poetas a componer trabajos sobre dos zonas de relevancia: la geografía y la tecnología. La lista incluye obras de, entre otros, Eileen Myles, Robert Fitterman, Trisha Low, Christian Bök, Tan Lin, y Craig Dworkin. También incluye una versión del poema Ciudades reales, países ficticios (María Salgado, ready. Madrid: Arrebato, 2012).

Ciudades reales, Países ficticios lists a good number of the almost impregnable names of cities. The title puns on a subtitle used by Gordon Matta-Clark in his 1973-4 piece Real properties, Fake States. The list begins with Brecht's exile and ends with that of Klebnikhov, who made use of a list of cities in a poem of his own ('The road I took'). My list follows and corrupts the alphabetical and vocal patterns of international cities, giving typographic and aural materiality to some kind of global journey through the twentieth century. Two place names articulate the landscape of the book in which the text belongs (ready, 2012): 'Xino' (or 'Xinatown'), the neighbourhood of immigrants and workers who come not only from China, but from all over; and 'Xina' (China), the imaginary e/state where the whole world is being manufactured.  

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